Infrared Imaging

Unlock the power of infrared technology with our cutting-edge thermal drone images.

Elevate your operations with non-destructive, non-intrusive, data-driven insights. From early moisture detection to in depth facade inspections, thermal images enhances your efficiency, reduces your costs, and supports smarter decision-making.

Thermal Images For…

  • Property Management
  • Roofing
  • Insurance 
  • Construction
  • Agriculture
  • Solar Farms

Property Management

Property management companies are utilizing thermal images to enhance their risk assessment, claims processing, and property evaluation processes.

By using a thermal drone to annually performing  their roof, window and HVAC inspection from when a project has been completed onward, Property Management companies now have a recorded visual baseline for comparison to move forward from.

These image records come in very handy when working through the general maintenance and warranty situations which always arise later. 

Construction Companies

Thermal images are a very useful tool for construction companies, delivering several benefits throughout the construction process. Aerial thermal inspections enable early detection of construction defects, fostering quality control and minimizing rework costs.

Monitoring the curing process of concrete for example ensures structural integrity, reducing the risk of issues post-construction.

Assessing roofing systems with thermal imaging identifies insulation issues, potential leaks, and ensures proper installation.

Thermal analysis also contribute to energy-efficient construction by pinpointing heat loss or gain in the building envelope. 

Roofing Companies

Using thermal drones to inspect flat roofs is becoming common place in most cities across North America today.

Drones imagery easily identifies post construction damage, ponding water, and moisture intrusions within the roofing systems .

Using thermal images makes it easy to see a more thorough view of the rooftop, preventing long term water damage, extending the roof lifespan, and minimizing repair costs.

Agriculture, Farming and Golf

Thermal drone images enable land owners to monitor their plant health, and identify drainage or irrigation issues.

Early detection of diseases, stress and pest infestations allows for targeted applications, reducing the use of both fertilizers and pesticides .

In short, thermal and RGB images help you make faster, smarter, more cost effective decisions.

Insurance and Underwriters

Thermal images and videos are  significantly aiding in the risk assessment, accelerating the underwriting process, and helping to ensure a quicker, safer and more accurate assessment process for your customers when the need arises.

Drones that produce infrared images are more and more often playing an important role in evaluating certain types of insurance claims and property assessments.  In some cases they are the only way to get the images safely.

Solar Panel Inspections

The top solar panel installation companies are using drones in several ways as part of their regular business practices today.

First a drone is used to survey the roof. The images taken are used to first measure the available roof space for the panels, and then together these form the foundation to the quote and presentation. Aerial images show the customer exactly where the panels will and will not go.

After installation, a drone equipped with an infrared camera is used to annually inspect the solar panels.  Infrared cameras quickly identify when the panels are not working properly whether that be caused by dirt, mold, leaves, physical damage, short circuits or wiring issues.

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